In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1.  The purpose of our films promotional package, which includes a trailer, a film poster and a film magazine cover is to attract the largest portion our target audience as possible. This target audience would be aged between 15-35 and we have estimated that it would be 60% male 40% female.

2. I know that a theatrical trailer is traditionally between two and two and a half minutes long. This length is stereotypically used as it makes sure that the attention of the audience is not lost. 

3. The USP of our film is that it follows a boy of 18 years old on his unique adventure in a post war England with a decimated population. His quest is to find other survives and try to survive in the post apocalyptic environment. 

4. Our films genre is displayed through the use of eerie and ominous sound effects during the introduction and a grainy colour grade throughout the majority of our film trailer. The vast amount of space which is shown around the protagonist during the trailer shows his loneliness and how his survival his majorly on his own until he find another companion and crosses paths with the antagonists. The mise-en-scene adds to the genre of post apocalyptic through the abandoned and somewhat derelict buildings which our protagonists explore throughout the trailer. The genre is shown through sound codes also. There is minimal amounts of dialogue and the majority of the plot is supported via voice over and the motivated edits throughout the trailer. This is a common theme in trailers which share our genre as dialogue tends to slow down the edit. The edit throughout our trailer moves through three main phases. The primary phase is comprised of cleverly cut news clips. We cut the news clips of news reporters and Donald Trump talking about countries such as Russia and Iraq bombing countries. Although these news reports were referencing Syria, we added inter titles between the clips stating how they were bombing the US. With this we compared the casualty to WWII, to our imaginary casualty count in November 2019. This primary section of the trailer is very fast in pace, contrasting to the second phase of the trailer which is much slower. This change in pace runs paralel to the stress which our protagonist, quick edits in the beginning to show the panic and then a slower edit in the mid section where the chaos had calmed down. The final phase of the trailer is much quicker in pace, similar to that of the first phase. This, again, matches the feelings of the protagonist as he and his new companion are being targeted by the antagonists.  

5. We use enigma throughout our trailer, most specifically at the end of our trailer. In the final scene of our trailer one of the protagonist is pushed to his knees and has a gun put against his head. There is then a loud 'bang' and the image cuts to black and then the title fades in. This leaves the viewer wanting to see the whole film to know what has happened to one of the main characters in the plot. 

1 comment:

  1. Please add your annotated video version here as well as the deconstructions of the poster and magazine cover.
